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Mixed media collage on wood panel. 11x11" including frame. 


One of the most well known artistic traditions in Hawai'i is an aplique style of quilting that utilizes stylized and radially symetrical plant, and sometimes animal, designs. This series asks the question, "How do you adapt your cultural traditions when you no longer have access to the land and necessary materials?" Each of these squares was designed using traditional methods, but they feature plants common to the Mountain West. A portion of the proceeds from this piece will be donated to Polynesian cultural education efforts in Utah. One of the most well-known artistic traditions in Hawai'i is an applique style of quilting that utilizes stylized and radially symmetrical plant, and sometimes animal, designs. This series asks the question, "How do you adapt your cultural traditions when you no longer have access to the land and necessary materials?" Each of these squares was designed using traditional methods, but they feature plants common to the Mountain West. A portion of the proceeds from this piece will be donated to Polynesian cultural education efforts in Utah.

Quilting Culture: Dandelion II

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